De to danskere gik hele vejen igennem Yamahas bLU cRU talent program, og det er altså dem der får glæde af støtte fra Yamaha i år 2024.
Her er et udsnit af, hvad Yamaha skriver om de to unge danskere:
In the YZ85 category, Danish star-on-the-rise Thorius, who was the winner of the YZ65 Cup in 2021, showcased his talent and incredible transition to the YZ85, securing the top spot and garnering additional Yamaha support for his 2024 EMX85 season. Likewise, fellow Dane Gordon emerged as the YZ65 class winner and will also benefit from enhanced Yamaha support for his upcoming EMX65 season.
I 125 klassen var det Giorgio Orlando der vandt Masterclass.
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