
Victor Kleemann skifter team

Victor Kleemann har besluttet at forlade sit nuværende Team KMP Honda Racing og køre resten af sæsonen for HPM Racing på en KTM.

Det er umiddelbart ikke et dramatisk skifte, og Victor sender også en stor tak til det Honda team, som han rykker videre fra.

Her er hvad Victor Kleemann selv skriver om skiftet på sine sociale medier:

This has been a tough decision to make.
I have had a great time with the team KMP HONDA RACING and they have helped me a lot so far but we decided it would be best to part ways for the rest of the season. I thank the team boss and staff the mechanics and the sponsors for their help so far but now it is time to move on to the next chapter.
I will be riding the reminder of the EMX250 and ADAC master’s onboard a KTM 250 for HPM RACING. Big thanks to for helping me out with bike and equipment and @fxrmotoeurope for the gear.